Vision Statement
Charlestown Netball Association strives to be the leading provider of netball in the local community. With a culture of excellence, and in a safe, inclusive and friendly environment, individuals are supported to achieve their personal best. We welcome members who wish to play, umpire, coach or volunteer - it all adds up to a supportive and fun community!
- Inclusion
- Friendly
- Approachable
- Fun
- Respect
- Loyalty
- Supportive
- Responsibility
- Equality
- Competitive
- Excellence
- Safety
Our History
We started in 1962 as an enthusiastic local competition, becoming a recognised District Association in 1980. Read about our journey here. We are known as a friendly association, with a strong representative focus. From a few grass courts in the 1960s, we now have 26 hard courts (with lighting) and an excellent clubhouse with a canteen, first aid room, toilets and a large meeting hall.
We wouldn't be where we are today without the wonderfulsupport and determined efforts from our volunteers, particularly our Life Members who have instrumental in providing leadership and outstanding contributions to our local netball community.
New and experienced players are very welcome to join our competitive and social netball competitions, either though a team with one of our affiliate clubs or by forming an independent team.
All our affiliate clubs are active, very welcoming, and provide a supportive environment for players to join a team. If you would like to join a club, please see club contact details here.