News Archive 2015-2016
Dear Charlestown Netball Association Members, Parents and Supporters,
In September you were all invited to participate in a survey about your experience at Charlestown Netball Association. We had a large number of responses, and would like to thank those who were able to complete it.
From the results of this survey, we are developing a three year strategic plan, to help us continue to meet your needs and expectations. We hope to have this completed by January 2017 and will share more information with you on this after completion.
We have attached a summary of the results from the survey. Click here to have a look at them, and if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me, President Di Pascoe, or any member of our executive team who would be more than willing to discuss your feedback.
We look forward to seeing you all in the New Year for an exciting year of Netball.
Sarah Winn
Regional Coordinator - Hunter and Northern Inland (02)4902 8876

National Badge:
28 November.
☆A big congratulations to Mandy Phelps-Ross who was successful in gaining her National 'C' badge tonight at Twilight. Well done Mandy.

2017 Representative Teams:
12 November
Selections for the 2017 Representative Teams:
12 Years - 1 February 2017 - 5:00pm start with skills session for 1 hour prior to selections at 6:30pm.
14/15 Years - 2 February 2017 - 5:00pm start with skills session for 1 hour prior to selections at 6:30pm.
13 Years - 4 February 2017 - 3:00pm start with skills session for 1 hour prior to selections at 4:30pm.
17's, 21's and Opens - 6 February 2017 - 6:30pm.

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2016 Umpires Encouragement Award:
9 November.
Our 2016 Umpires Encouragement Award winner Jamie Lord congratulations Jamie we hope you continue to umpire for a very long time.

Les Smith:
6 November.
Congratulations to our Umpire coach and friend, Les Smith on being awarded the Anne Clark BEM Service Award for services to netball spanning over 60 years. Les was presented with the award at the Netball NSW State dinner. Well done Les.

One of Netball NSW's most prestigious awards, the Anne Clark BEM Service Award is presented in acknowledgement of volunteers who give endlessly to our sport and whom, through their generosity, have made netball the most successful women's sport in Australia.
These five inspiring individuals were recognised for their years of dedicated service over the weekend at the 2016 State Dinner.

Koori Netball Tournament:
29 October.
A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers who over the past two days manned the Canteen and BBQ at our annual Koori Netball Tournament. Thank you, we couldn't do it without you.

More photos on Photo Gallery page

31 October.


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Development Squads:
19 September 2016.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the 12 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition:
Mataya Amos
Shanarea Burns
Emma Campbell
Chloe Cook
Alice Elliott
Maggie Greentree
Ella Hoad
Brydie Hoad
Molly Holmes
Ellie Mackey
Kiannah Mansfield
Arabella Miller
Emily Miller
Siahn Perkins
Marnie Robinson
Dempsey Shultz
Aela Streatfield
Isabella Sullivan
Emma Wyborn
Coach: Sara Gilbert
Manager: Jodie Mortimer
Please meet at the netball courts 5:30pm on Monday 10 October 2016.
Please wear Royal blue shorts (can be purchased from us) and a white polo shirt.
Well done everyone!!
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the 13 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition:
Amy Aurisch
Elyse Barber
Reynah Barnard
Ava Campbell
Ciara Croese
Daisy Fenwick
Briella Hynes
Sam Keogh
Dakoda Kerr
Morgan McCarthy
Tayla McCarthy
Hayley O'Brien
Bailee Pappas
Imogen Petrie
Annie Rogers
Ella Ross
Mireama Ruming-Tito
Ryvah Shoesmith
Elke Temelovski
Isabella Thwaites
Coach: Kristen Cohen
Manager: Megan Callaghan
Please meet at the netball courts 5:30pm on Monday 10 October 2016.
Please wear Royal blue shorts (can be purchased from us) and a white polo shirt.
Well done everyone!!
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the 14 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition:
Thanks everyone for your understanding and moving down to the indoor centre to finalise the selections.
Scout Brown
Georgia Chenhall
Jess Dunn
Raegan Dunn
Abbey Fenton
Leilani Fisher
Isabella Hales
Tahlee Jones
Holly McGhee
Tara O'Connor
Holly Reid
Willow Roewekamp
Ally Smith
Amalie Svihla
Kalista Stojcevski
Layla Varley
Coach: Gail Mayers
Manager: Jo Taylor
Please meet at the netball courts 6:30pm on Monday 10 October 2016.
Please wear Royal blue shorts (can be purchased from us) and a white polo shirt.
Well done everyone!!
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the 15 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition:
Zoe Aurisch
Jamie Boyle
Phoebie Bradbury
Ashlyn Brady
Charli Carrol
Molly Clifford
Olivia Croft
Jade Dalmazzone
Hannah Elsley
Kira Finnie
Tara Hobbs-Ladd
Caitlin Rodgers
Montana Shoesmith
Olivia Tindall
Prue Wheeler
Coach: Helen Grogan
Manager: Lydia Peters
Please meet at the netball courts 6:30pm on Monday 10 October 2016.
Please wear Royal blue shorts (can be purchased from us) and a white polo shirt.
Well done everyone!!
19 September 2016.
Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who helped out yesterday in pretty ordinary conditions the selections for our Twilight development teams.
Thanks Jodie, Elly, Sara, Helen, Lydia, Megan D, Lauren, Megan C, Gail, Jo, and the wonderful umpires, Meg, Olivia, Louise and ring in ones Mandy and Lydia. It got a little hectic in the end moving to the indoor venue but you all did a great job getting everyone there. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

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Hunter United squad:
18 September 2016.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successfully selected in the Hunter United squad for the 2017 season
Congratulations to all players who made the squad.
Please remember the two compulsory training sessions which will be held on:
Sunday 6 November, 3:00pm - 6:00pm and Sunday 27 November, 3:00pm - 6:00pm.
Venue to be advised.
Final Selections 22 January, 2017.

2017 Rep Coaches/Managers:
14 September 2016.
☆Congratulations to the following Coaches/Managers for the 2017 Representative Season.
11 Years Red - Coach - Lauren McIlveen
11 Years Blue - Coach - Megan Dunford
12 Years - Coach - Sara Gilbert, Manager - Jodie Mortimer
13 Years - Coach - Kristen Cohen, Manager - Megan Callaghan
14 Years - Coach - Gail Mayers, Manager - Jo Taylor
15 Years - Coach - Helen Grogan, Manager - Lydia Peters
17 Years - Coach - Debbie Cowburn, Manager - Robyn Price

When: Starting 10 October 2016 - Finishing 28 November 2016
Venue: Charlestown Netball Courts
Cost: $25 per player
Time: 6:30 pm for Juniors and 7:45 pm for Cadets and Seniors
☛ ☛ Click here to *Register On-line
*If you register on-line and EFT your payment, then there is no need to come to registrations at the hall.

Grand Final Awards:
3 September 2016.
☆ Two of our amazing award winners today.
Kylie Tayler who was awarded the Sportsmanship Award and Phoebe Gray who was awarded the Marie Caddies umpire of the year.
The Irene Murray player of the grand final was Sara Gilbert.

Well done ladies.

Our Irene Murray medal winner Sara Gilbert.

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Hunter United:
8 September.
☆Congratulations Hunter United on your fantastic win last night in the Metro League Division 2 Grand Final 50-34. Division 1 next year woohoo!

20 August. Some of our fabulous Team White, umpiring today. Well done ladies and Anthony!

NetSetGO and Dress Code:
13 August 2016. ☆
Well done to all our NetSetGO teams, great presentation to all players today.
☀ ☄ Good luck to all who are playing in the final series this weekend.
Just a reminder to all teams, correct playing uniforms to be worn. NO bike pants, tights or other clothing to be worn and a reminder NO jewellery.

Development Squad Selections:
27th July 2016.
Selections for the 12's and 13's years Development Squads (players turning 12 and 13 in 2017) to play in the 2016 Twilight Competition will be on:
Sunday 18 September 2016
12 Years (players turning 12 in 2017) - 9:30am
13 Years (players turning 13 in 2017) - 1:00pm
14 and 15 Years (players turning 14 and 15 in 2017) - 3:00pm
For all enquiries please phone Gail Mayers on 0431 456 835.

Representative Personnel:
Nominations are now open for 2017 Representative Personnel (Coaches, Co-Coaches, Team Managers and Representative Co-Ordinator)
. Closing date for nominations is Friday 2 September 2016, 5.00pm.
. Nomination Form

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Netball Badges:
☆ Congratulations to Natarni James who was successful in gaining her National 'C' badge, well done Natarni !!
☆ Congratulations to Louise Webster who was awarded her National 'B' badge today and to Olivia Tindall who gained her National 'C' badge today. Well done ladies!!
NSW State Age Championships:
29th June 2016.
Message to our Junior Representative teams and Coaching Staff.
The time is here.
State Age Championships are only a few days away, training is nearly over, so Charlestown Netball would like to wish every team the very best of luck and good weather for the coming weekend of Netball.
To our Coaching Staff:
Thank you for all your dedicated time in training our players, teaching them skills which have helped them reach their full potential as a player.
We know that there would be many times especially cold nights when you ask yourselves "Why am I doing this" then finally after all this time you can see what you have taught these players and then you have your answer. Well done to you all, and good luck at State Age.
To our Players:
Well, girls you are nearly there, all the training in heat, cold and even wet weather and we know that many times you would want to say "I don't want to go to training" but you did and why did you, because you have reached the State Age Championships - the 3 days of netball that you have trained so hard for all this time.
Be proud of yourselves for listening and learning from your coaches and take that pride with you to the games.
I say this to every player from Charlestown
Be Proud
Be Respectful to all
Play Hard but Play Fair
Play as a Team Player
Give 100% of yourself on and off the court
Be a Team of Champions
Not just a Champion Player
Support each other at all times
Charlestown is proud of each and every one of you
We wish every team Good Luck
To our Umpires:
Thank you and enjoy the experience of umpiring the best teams from each Association.

☆ Congratulations to our U14s, undefeated after Day 1!

Colour Day


Netball NSW State Championships:
13th June 2016.
Congratulations to our Open's team equal fourth in the State, and to our wonderful U/17's who all played their hearts out over the past three days at the Netball NSW State Championships. The association is very proud of you all.
To our coaches, managers, umpires and officials, thank you.

11th June 2016.
Go Charlestown, from banner girls, to ball girls, to players and the Swifts, what a wonderful celebration of netball for our Charlestown players.

Wet Weather:
4th June 2016.
All games of Netball, cancelled for today.
No netball next weekend, as it is the June long weekend.
See you all on the 18 June where we will play 2 x half games to make up for today.
Also the Junior Development umpire exam, has been postponed until Saturday 18 June, 9:00am.
See you all there.

Lake Macquarie Games:
2nd June 2016.
Lake Macquarie Games - All Age Carnival
Charlestown Netball invites you all to attend their annual All Age Carnival to be held on Sunday 24 July 2016, commencing at 8:30am.
Please click here for your invitation and information.
We look forward to seeing you all attend.

National Badges:
20th May 2016.
☆ Congratulations to Phoebe Gray being awarded your National B badge today. Well done Phoebe !!!
13th May 2016.
☆ Congratulations to Samantha Keogh who was awarded her National 'C' badge today, well done Sam!!

NetEd day:
8th May 2016.
A reminder to all our members the NetEd day for Charlestown Netball Association is on Sunday 22 May, commencing at 9:00am.
The Netball NSW NetEd program is a great educational resource that offers the opportunity for individuals to enhance their personal development and maximise their potential. The program supports the existing NCAS framework in three-hour blocks of educational workshops. They are designed for both aspiring or experienced coaches and officials looking to enhance their understanding and knowledge of the principles of Netball officiating and coaching.
Click on the link below to register*, registrations close 16 May.
*You will need the code to register so please contact Glenda on 0407 458321 to get the code for free entry to the day.
Netball NSW NetEd

National C Badge:
7 May 2016.
☆ Congratulations to Jamie Lord and Paris Mortimer who were awarded their National 'C' badge today. Well done ladies!!

9 to 15 May is National Volunteer Week and Charlestown Netball Association would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to all our volunteers across OUR Association, each of our Clubs who give so freely of their time, commitment and dedication to our wonderful sport.
Without volunteers we could not enjoy our sport and this week gives us just a small opportunity to reach out and say thank for each and every way that you contribute to our great game.

Representative Selections
☆Congratulations Brandii Davis-Welsh who has been selected in the NSW CHS U/15 Netball team.
Emma Bradford and Kyra Powell Caffyn made it to the final 32.
Well done girls.

☆Congratulations to Sam and Briella on being announced as captains of our U/12's Representative Team.

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11 years Development Squad:
6 April 2016.
Selections for the 11 years development squad were held on Wednesday at the Charlestown Netball Courts.
The Association selects approximately 20 players to give them the opportunity to be coached at a higher level.
The two teams attend a training session once a week for 10 weeks, and go to four local carnivals - Newcastle 15 May 2016, Invitational Carnival at Charlestown 29 May, 2016, Lakeside Carnival 19 June 2016, and the final one at the Charlestown Carnival on 24 July 2016.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a selection in our 11 years Development Squad.
Mataya Amos
Peri Bootland
Luella Brown
Shanarea Burns
Emma Campbell
Maggie Greentree
Ella Hoad
Brydie Hoad
Molly Holmes
Kiannah Mansfield
Arabella Miller
Emily Miller
Emmy Ormandy
Felicia Salihbasic
Dempsey Schultz
Isabella Sullivan
Ellie Mackey
Jessamy Wilkinson
Emma Wyborn
Megan Dunford
Lauren McIlveen
Rochelle Wallis
Jodi Peden
Players are required to attend a uniform fitting on Saturday morning (9 April 2016) at 9:00am.
To accept your position in the squad please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458321.

State League.
2 April 2016
Whoo hoo, two winners and one runner up in the finals of State League today at Port Stephens. Congratulations to our U/15's and U/14's who won their divisions and to our U/17's who were runners up in their division. Well done everyone!!
☆Congratulations to our U/15's team winning their division at State League today, well done ladies.

U/14's - Winners, congratulations you did yourself and the Association proud, well done ladies.

Couple of our umpires in this photo, thanks Louise and Jen for once again giving up your Sunday for us. You do a wonderful job.

Hunter United.
2 April. The Hunter United 2016 team. Wishing you all an amazing season.

2016 Draw Rounds 1 and 2:
The draw has been updated, please click on Competition Results on the left hand side.

The Athletes Foot.
Charlestown Netball welcomes The Athletes Foot, Charlestown as one of our official sponsors for 2016, with special discounts for our members. Thank you Athletes Foot.

Click for more details.
Athletes Foot Supporting Rising Stars
Kim Green Netball Ambassador

2016 Canteen Roster:
Roster now available, see link on left.

Hunter Regional League:
Well done to all our Charlie girls, playing in the first round of Hunter Regional League today.
Big thanks to all the mums and dads who helped in the BBQ and canteen, we couldn't do it without you.

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Representative Selections 2016.
Just a reminder to all Representative players, parent information and uniform fitting Wednesday night 17 February.
12 Years - 5:30pm
13 Years - 6:30pm
14's, 15's and 17's - 7:30pm
See you all there.
Representative Selections 2016.
☆ 16 February 2016
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball Opens Representative Team.
Sophie Baber
Eva Bailey
Sara Gilbert
Sabina Gomboso
Logan Flanagan
Tiu Holland
Abbie Johnson
Anneka Marcozzi
Amy Morschel
Karlie Robards
Jade Smallhorn
Maddi Taylor
Coach: Traci Baber
Manager: Julie Miner
To accept your position in the Team please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball U/14 Representative Team.
Zoe Aurisch
Kayla Barrett
Molly Besgrove
Jamie Boyle
Charlie Carroll
Hannah Elsley
Kirra Finnie
Rosie Hoad
Holly Youman
Coach: Helen Grogan
Manager: Michelle Linich
To accept your position in the Team please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball U/17 Representative Team.
Sharla Barnard
Abbey Carr
Eliza Fairbairn
Teagan Gee
Erin Grey
Jamie Lord
Gabby Maddison
Phoebe Payne
Imogen Stock
Eloise Warby
Coach: Deb Cowburn
Manager: Robyn Price
To accept your position in the Team please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball U/15 Representative Team.
Erin Asquith
Emma Bradford
Lena Cartwright
Brandi Davis-Welsh
Kirsty-Lee Jones
Keeley Mullins
Mia Peden
Abbey Wallis
Coach: Gail Mayers
Manager: Natalie Mackay
To accept your position in the Team please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.

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Representative Selections 2016.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball U/12 Representative Team.
Reynah Barnard
Ava Campbell
Briella Hynes
Sam Keogh
Kelsey Nesbitt
Imogen Petrie
Ella Ross
Mireanna Rumming-Tito
Bella Thwaites
Coach: Kristen Cohen
Manager: Megan Callaghan
To accept your position in the Team, please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a position in the Charlestown Netball U/13 Representative Team.
Scout Brown
Jess Dunn
Abbey Fenton
Leilani Fisher
Tara O'Connor
Zoe Peden
Willow Roewekamp
Mackenzie Stuart
Kloe Young
Coach: Sara Gilbert
Manager: Jodie Mortimer
To accept your position in the Team, please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 by Thursday evening.

Australia Day Honours:
25th January 2016.
☆Congratulations Kevin Smith on being named in today's Australia Day Honours List and awarded the Order of Australia Medal for your outstanding service to Netball. NSW's first and only male umpire to be awarded the AA umpires badge - you've been a trailblazer and dedicated your life to our sport.

Online Registrations for 2016 Season:
Online Registrations for 2016 Season are now "OPEN".
Just follow these instructions to register.
In the coming days you will receive an email containing your Netball NSW/MyNetball login ID and password.
☛ These login details will be required to register online.
- If you have not received this by Friday (this will mean either your email address stored by Netball NSW is incorrect, changed or has not been recorded) please email to be issued a new one.
- If you are a new team or player to Charlestown, you will need to contact your previous club/association to obtain your login ID and password.

Once you receive your login details, follow these simple steps:
. Go to Netball NSW
. Scroll down to "Find A Netball Club", on the right
. Type in "Charlestown Netball Association" and enter postcode "2290", click submit
. Click on Register, next to Charlestown Netball Association
. This is where you will enter your ID and password, Login
. Continue through registration and payment process.
Once this is completed, there will be no need to attend registration day in March, but if you are having problems, please contact Dianne Pascoe on 0408 689 150.
We look forward to seeing you in 2016.

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When: Starting 15 February 2016 - Finishing 21 March 2016
Venue: Charlestown Netball Courts
Cost: $20 per player
Time: 6:30 pm for Juniors and 7:45 pm for Cadets and Seniors
☛ ☛
Click here to *Register On-line
If you register on-line and EFT your payment, then there is no need to come to registrations at the hall.

Pre-season Competition:
16th December 2015.
Interested in a pre-season competition, lasting for just six weeks?? Well we are going to run one.
When: Starting 15 February 2016 - Finishing 21 March 2016
Venue: Charlestown Netball Courts
Cost: $20 per player
Time: 6:30 pm for Juniors and 7:45 pm for Cadets and Seniors
Registrations: 30 January 2016 (1:00 pm - 3:00 pm) and keep your eye on our website and Facebook page for the new on-line registration form - coming soon.

Representative Selections 2016.
12 Years - Tuesday, 9 February 2016 - 6:30pm
13 years - Wednesday, 10 February 2016 - 6:30pm
14 Years - Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 6:30pm
15 Years - Tuesday, 16 February 2016 - 6:30pm
U/17 Years, U/21 Years and Opens - Monday 15 February 2016 - 6:30pm
All players must be registered members of Charlestown Netball Associations to trial.

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International Volunteer Day:
4th December.
Today is International Volunteer Day and Charlestown Netball Association would like to thank the many volunteers who give countless hours to make our game so great!

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National badges:
30th November.
☆Congratulations to Chelsea Bowditch from Muswellbrook and to Hannah Dudding who were successful in gaining their National 'C' badge last night at our Twilight. Well done ladies.!!!

Hunter Academy of Sport:
27th November.
☆Congratulations to Emma Bradford, Erin Grey, Mia Peden and Brandii Welsh-Davis for your selection into the Hunter Academy of Sport. Well done.

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National badges:
23rd November.
☆Congratulations to Abigail Tindall who was successful in gaining her National 'C' badge tonight and to Tina Bowditch from Muswellbrook Association who was awarded her National 'B' badge. Well done ladies!!

Cozzies Swimwear:
15th November.
Charlestown Netball want to thank Cozzies Swimwear for their sponsorship, a $20 Gift Certificate for each team playing in our Twilight Competition.
Like them on Facebook -
Find out more at

National 'C' badge:
2nd November.
Congratulations to Phoebe Gray who attained her National 'C' badge tonight at Twilight. Well done Phoebe.

2015 Koori Netball Tournament:
25th October.
A big thank you to all who came and helped the Association with the Koori Netball Tournament. A huge success that was all due to your wonderful support. Thanks.

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2015 Netball NSW Masters:
Charlestown Netball Association hosted the 2015 Netball NSW Masters from Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 October 2015 and it was awesome to see record numbers enjoying netball this year.
The Netball NSW Masters is all about getting together with friends for some fun, good times, and a little bit of netball, so lock the date in your diary for a girls' weekend away!
Held over two days with the social function on Saturday night a main feature, the team 'uniforms' are always a highlight of this fun filled weekend.

New to Netty:
Are you aged 10-15 years and interested in playing Netball for the first time?
New to Netty is a come and try program to learn the basic skills and rules of Netball in a fun and safe environment.
Free Netball Skills Program - Mondays 5.15pm to 6.15pm
Starting Monday 12th October to 2nd November 2015
Charlestown Netball Association Netball Courts Bula Street, Charlestown
To register or for further information, please click here or contact Monique Smith 0420 550 642

New Defibrillator:
11th October. Thank you to the Joshua Caruso Foundation for our new defibrillator.

Twilight Competition October November:
Charlestown Netball is running a Twilight Competition for eight weeks, commencing on Monday 12 October 2015
and finishing on Monday 30 November 2015.
Full games will be played, with Juniors up to and including Intermediates playing at 6:30pm each night
and Cadets and Seniors including Mixed teams, playing at 7:45pm.
Click here for information sheet.
Registrations will be held on Saturday 19 September 2015 1:30pm - 3:30pm at the clubhouse, Bula Street, Charlestown.
For all enquiries please phone President Dianne Pascoe on 0408 689 150, email to .

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Development Squad Selections
Congratulations to the following players who were selected in the 14 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition.
Zoe Aurisch
Kayla Barrett
Molly Besgrove
Jamie Boyle
Charli Carroll
Hannah Elsley
Kira Finnie
Rosie Hoad
Tara Hobbs-Ladd
Olivia Tindall
Hannah Winchester
Holly Youman
Coach: Helen Grogan
Manager: Michelle Linich
Players to meet 7:00pm on the 1st night of Twilight (12 October) with $25 registration fee and wearing royal blue shorts and white polo shirt.
Congratulations to the following players who were selected in the 13 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition.
Sophie Barber
Scout Brown
Jess Dunn
Raegen Dunn
Abbey Fenton
Lily Kirwood
Aarkey Kneen
Nakittah Leard
Miranda Morris
Tara O'Connor
Zoe Peden
Willow Roewekamp
Ally Smith
Mackenzie Stuart
Kloe Young
Coach: Sara Gilbert
Manager: Jodie Mortimer
Players to meet 5:30pm on the 1st night of Twilight (12 October) with $25 registration fee and wearing royal blue shorts and white polo shirt.
Congratulations to the following players who were selected in the 12 Years Development Squad to play in our Twilight Competition.
Amy Aurisch
Elyse Barber
Reynah Barnard
Chloe Fletcher
Dakoda Kerr
Mackenzie Lawrence
Kelsy Nesbitt
Hayley O'Brien
Samara Payne
Imogen Petrie
Ella Ross
Mireama Rumming
Brilee Stubbs
Isabella Thwaites
Coach: Kristen Cohen
Manager: Megan Callaghan
Players to meet 5:30pm on the 1st night of Twilight (12 October) with $25 registration fee and wearing royal blue shorts and white polo shirt.

2016 Representative Personnel
☆Congratulations to the following coaches who have been appointed to our Representative Teams for 2016.
11 Years Development
Lauren Smith (Coach)
Lesley Worthington (Manager)
12 Years
Kristen Cohen (Coach)
Megan Callaghan (Manager)
13 Years
Sara Gilbert (Coach)
Jodie Mortimer (Manager)
14 Years
Helen Grogan (Coach)
Michelle Linich (Manager)
15 Years
Gail Mayers (Coach)
Nat Mackay (Manager)
17 Years
Deb Cowburn (Coach)
21 Years
Rochelle Wallis (Coach)
Jodi Peden (Manager)
Traci Baber (Coach)
Well done everyone, we look forward to 2016.

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Grand Finals
29th August 2015
☆Congratulations to our awards winners today.
Coaches Encouragement Award - Danielle Wallace (United)
Umpires Encouragement Award - Sophie Gonano (Dudley/Redhead)
Sportsmanship Award - Elly Tindall (United)
Marie Caddies Umpires Award - Louise Webster
Irene Murray Medal - Rian Hodges (Purnells)
Well done ladies!!
☆Congratulations to Louise Webster who was awarded the inaugural Marie Caddies trophy for Umpiring.

With the netball season now done and dusted we would like to take this opportunity to thank our clubs, independent teams, umpires, executive and parents for all their support and help. 2015 has been a fantastic year, 2 x B badges, 8 x C badges, winning representative teams, great representative players, great Saturday players, coaches and parents. Thank you all for being a part of Charlestown Netball.

2016 Representative Personnel
☆Congratulations to the following coaches who have been appointed to our Representative Teams for 2016.
11 Years Development
Lauren Smith (Coach)
Lesley Worthington (Manager)
12 Years
Kristen Cohen (Coach)
Megan Callaghan (Manager)
13 Years
Sara Gilbert (Coach)
Jodie Mortimer (Manager)
14 Years
Helen Grogan (Coach)
Michelle Linich (Manager)
15 Years
Gail Mayers (Coach)
Nat Mackay (Manager)
17 Years
Deb Cowburn (Coach)
21 Years
Rochelle Wallis (Coach)
Jodi Peden (Manager)
Traci Baber (Coach)
Well done everyone, we look forward to 2016.

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Grill'd Charlestown Square:
Charlestown Netball Association will be on a Local Matters jar at Grill'd Charlestown Square this September.
We wanted to give you a heads up before the month kicks off so you have time to spread the word to your friends and encourage them to head into Grill'd Charlestown Square during September to help support Charlestown Netball.

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2015 Netball NSW Masters:
Charlestown Netball Association will host the 2015 Netball NSW Masters from Saturday 17 - Sunday 18 October 2015 and entries are now open.
The Netball NSW Masters is all about getting together with friends for some fun, good times, and a little bit of netball, so lock the date in your diary for a girls' weekend away!
Held over two days with the social function on Saturday night a main feature, the team 'uniforms' are always a highlight of this fun filled weekend.

Hunter United:
Hunter United - is a new and exciting venture established to allow players from the Hunter Associations to participate in the Netball NSW State League.
Hunter United aims to foster the development of elite netballers, providing an invaluable stepping stone for players to move on to State and Australian team levels.
Hunter United currently has coaching and playing opportunities available. For further information please contact Dell Saunders 0427 570 386 or Dianne Pascoe 0408 689 150.
Please click for the application for Coaches and Administrators.
Selections for players is on Sunday 20 September 2015, 10:00am at the Forum, University of Newcastle. Players to pay $5 to cover the cost of court hire.

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2015 Finals:
Finals and Grand Finals draw for 22nd August can be found by clicking here.

Twilight Competition October:
Charlestown Netball is running a Twilight Competition, commencing on Monday 12 October 2015
for eight weeks and finishing on Monday 30 November 2015.
Full games will be played, with Juniors up to and including Intermediates playing at 6:30pm each night
and Cadets and Seniors including Mixed teams, playing at 7:45pm.
Click here for information sheet.
Registrations will be held on Saturday 19 September 2015 1:30pm - 3:30pm at the clubhouse, Bula Street, Charlestown.
For all enquiries please phone Secretary Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321 or President Dianne Pascoe on 0408 689 150.

Development Squad Selections
3rd August 2015.
Selections for the 12's, 13's, 14's and 15's years Development Squads to play in the 2015 Twilight Competition will be on:
12's and 13's - Tuesday 1st September 2015 - 6:00pm 14's and 15's - Wednesday 2nd September - 6:00pm For all enquiries please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458321.

National Badge
1st August 2015.
☆Congratulations to Sarah O'Malley who gained her National 'C' badge. Well done Sarah!!
☆Congratulations to Jen Casell (Kahibah) on gaining her National 'C' badge. Well done Jen.
2016 Representative Personnel
Nominations are invited for 2016 Representative Personnel (Coaches, Team Managers and Representative Co-Ordinator).
Closing date for nominations is Friday 28 September 2015, 5:00pm.
Click here for information and nomination form.

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All Age Carnival
26th July 2015.
A massive shout out of thanks to our wonderful clubs, Central, Dudley, Kahibah and United, our 11 Years Development parents, senior representative players and the Associations executive for all their hard work and help today at our extremely successful Lake Macquarie Games Annual Netball Carnival.
Thank you - we could not do it without your support.

Charlestown's 11's Development Squad warming up for the carnival.

National Badge
24th July 2015.
☆Congratulations to Anthony Jarvis who gained his National 'C' badge today. Well done Anthony!!
National Netball Day
25th July 2015.

National Badge
17th July 2015.
☆Congratulations to Abbey Carr who gained her National 'C' badge today. Well done Abbey!
Shoot Out Breast Cancer - Round 11
Charlestown Netball Association and all clubs have come together to support the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation with the 'Shoot Out Breast Cancer' round on 11 July 2015. Very proud of the Association as over 600 pairs of pink socks have been purchased.
All Age Carnival
Charlestown Netball invites you all to attend their annual All Age Carnival to be held on Sunday 26 July 2015, commencing at 8:30am.
☛The draw for the 2015 Carnival is now available, please click here to view.
Check out the Athlete's Foot Marquee with Fit Technicians offering advice and a Carnival special.
We look forward to seeing you all attend.

National Netball Day
Charlestown Netball will be celebrating National Netball Day on Saturday 25th July 2015. We will have visitors looking at our NetSetGO games with give aways.
Let us all get behind the netball day and wear something BLUE (nail polish, ribbons, socks, anything blue).
National Badge
17th July 2015.
☆Congratulations to Abbey Carr who gained her National 'C' badge today. Well done Abbey!
Shoot Out Breast Cancer - Round 11
Charlestown Netball Association and all clubs have come together to support the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation with the 'Shoot Out Breast Cancer' round on 11 July 2015. Very proud of the Association as over 600 pairs of pink socks have been purchased.
2015 State Age Championships at Baulkham Hills and Eastwood Ryde.
29th June 2015.
What a fantastic weekend for all of our Charlestown Netball representative players. A huge thank you to everyone involved in making this weekend happen for our girls.
To the parents, thank you, the support you give your daughters is amazing, the coaches and managers thank you for giving up your time to allow the players have this wonderful experience. Our umpires, who not only umpired but supported from every sideline as they were passing. The sports therapists who kept every player on the court and massaged at the end of the day after those wonderful(!) ice baths.
From The Executive of Charlestown Netball, thank you all for playing and being involved at Charlestown.
28th June 2015.
☆☆ Well done Charlestown 12's - winners in Division 2. ☆☆
How good do our 14's look at Baulkham Hills.
23rd June 2015.
Charlestown Netball would like to thank all our Representative Coaches and Managers and we wish you and your teams all the best this weekend at the NSW State Age Championships at Baulkham Hills and Eastwood Ryde.
Go Charlie !!

National Badges.
20th June 2015.
A big congratulations to Lahni Carpenter who gained her National 'C' today. Well done Lahni.
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National Badges.
12th June 2015.
Great day at Charlestown today.
3 new badges, congratulations to Meagan Dunford on attaining her National 'C' badge. Well done Meagan!!
Big congratulations to Lauren Smith and Breanna Considine who both attained their National 'B' badges. Well done ladies!!
Netball NSW State Championships at Illawarra.
7th June 2015.
Another State Championships done and dusted, congratulations to all our wonderful players, coaches, umpires, sports trainers and officials. Your performances and sportsmanship was outstanding, thank you for playing for Charlestown. Proud of each and everyone.

☆☆Congratulations to our brilliant U/21's winning at the Netball NSW State Championships.☆☆ Well done coach, manager, sports trainer and most of all players.

Netball NSW State Championships.
5th June 2015.
Good luck to all our Senior Representative teams, U/17's, U/21's and Opens, umpires, coaches and managers at the Netball NSW State Championships this weekend at Illawarra. Go Charlie!!

The Greater Building Society.
22nd May 2015.
Charlestown Netball and The Greater Building Society have joined in a partnership for the 2015 season. Charlestown Netball are thrilled to have this sponsorship and will use it to support our Umpires through education and training. Thank you to the Greater for your support.

Shoot Out Breast Cancer
22nd May 2015.
Charlestown Netball Associaton and all clubs have come together to support the Hunter Breast Cancer Foundation with the 'Shoot Out Breast Cancer' round on 20 June 2015. We are asking all teams to purchase pink socks for $10 each from the Foundation - please return forms with money by 30 May 2015. Let's all get behind this cause.

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All Age Carnival
22nd May 2015.
Charlestown Netball invites you all to attend their annual All Age Carnival to be held on Sunday 26 July 2015, commencing at 8:30am.
Please click here for your invitation and information.
We look forward to seeing you all attend.
Newcastle Carnival
17 May 2015. Congratulations to our nine teams who competed at the Newcastle carnival today, with great results across the teams. Well done to the new 11's development squads who attended their first ever carnival. Thanks to the nine umpires who attended. A Good day was had by all.
Wet weather
3rd May 2015.
Wet weather games this weekend. Two half games will be played. Umpires for Round 5 will umpire and they will stay on the same court for the two games.
We will play Round 5 for the first half, have a 10 minute half time break to allow the players to move to their new court (umpires don't move) and then play Round 4 for the second half. See you all on Saturday.
11 Years Development Squads
27th April 2015.
Congratulations to the following players who were successful at our 11 Years Development Squad tryouts today:
Amy Aurisch
Raynah Barnard
Arabella Crane
Brianna Cross
Miranda Davies
Jessica Day
Briella Hynes
Daisy Fenwick
Sam Keogh
Dakoda Kerr
Mackenzie Lawrence
Kelsey Nesbitt
Hayley O'Brien
Imogen Pietre
Ella Ross
Mireama Ruming
Ameika Thomson
Isabella Twaites
Coaches: Amanda Ross and Kellie Aurisch
The squad will train one night per week and attend three local carnivals.
The costs associated with the squad will be the purchase of socks, shorts, shirt, polo fleece jumper and tracksuit pants. Fundraising is available.
Please note that this is not a selection for a Representative Team but purely a Development Squad, any player interested in trialling for Representative Netball in 2015 will benefit from this program.
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Power Blackouts
25th April 2015.
Just a reminder that netball is still on tomorrow as well as the 11 years selection at 3:00pm.
As we only have power to half the facility, instead of our automated system for beginning and ending games, we will use the old fashioned cow bell, I ask that you are patient and just keep your ears tuned.
Our canteen will be at half strength but we will have a great BBQ going all day. See you all tomorrow.
Executive Changes
21st April 2015.
At our AGM two of our long standing executive retired, Secretary, Marie Caddies and Vice President, Lil Harrison.
We wish them the very best for the future.

We would like to welcome our new members on Executive: Secretary, Glenda Geyer: Umpire Convenor, Lesley Worthington: Vice President, Tracy Carpenter: Grading Convenor, Elly Tindall and Representative Coordinator, Jodie Mortimer.
We look forward to a great season.
20th April 2015.
Just a couple of reminders for the coming two weeks:
. AGM - Monday 20 April commencing at 7:00pm
. 11 Years Development Squad selections Tuesday 21 April (6pm)
. COMPULSORY Umpire Lecture/Practical either Tuesday 21 or Wednesday 22 or Tuesday 28 or Wednesday 29 April.
Two non badged umpires from each Cadet and Senior teams to attend on one of the above nights.
Bonus one point for each person who attends. More than two may attend, but a maximum of two bonus points per team will be allocated.
State League
29th March 2015.
Congratulations to our four teams who played in the finals of State League today at Woy Woy. Well done to everyone and a big thanks to the umpires for the great job done by all.
U/14's - Winners
U/15's - Runners Up
Opens - Runners Up
U/17's - Finalists
Well done ladies !!

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Clean Up Day
13th March 2015.
A big shout out of thanks to all who came and helped with the clean up day today at Charlestown Netball - we are now spick and span to start the new season.
Abbey W, Lahni C, Paris M, Terrie, Jodi, Di Y, Jodie, Sarah, Tracy, Gavin, Scott, Wayne, Marie, Gail, Helen, Lil, Annette and Glenda. Thank you all so much !!

Round One Draw and Umpires
24th March 2015.
The draw is now available, please click on Competition Results and follow the prompts. Please click here for Round 1 Umpiring. You will be given a complete draw and umpire draw on Saturday.
11 Years Development Squads
24th March 2015.
Calling on all 11 Year Olds - if you turn 11 this year, then you are invited to trial for our 11 Years Development Squads.
These Development Squads will focus on development for all players who will turn 11 years of age in 2015. Players will have the opportunity to be coached at a higher level, by the Association's coaches that are more experienced as well as the Representative Coaches of the Association.
If you are interested joining the Charlestown Netball Association's Development Squads, you are asked to attend selections on Tuesday 31 March 2015, 6:00pm (please arrive at 5:45pm to fill in paperwork).
The squad will train one night per week and attend three local carnivals.
The costs associated with the squad will be the purchase of socks, shorts, shirt, polo fleece jumper and tracksuit pants. Fundraising is available.
Please note that this is not a selection for a Representative Team but purely a Development Squad, any player interested in trialling for Representative Netball in 2015 will benefit from this program.
Gala Days
4th March 2015.
12's and 13's Gala Days Draw
Please click here for the draw for the 12's and 13's gala days to be held at Newcastle (8th March), Maitland (15th) and Wyong (22nd).
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Meg Holmes
24th February 2015.
Congratulations to Meg Holmes (Dudley/Redhead) who recently gained her National 'C' Badge. Well done Meg!!

2015 - Representative Selections
17th February 2015.
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/14's Representative Team.
Erin Asquith
Demi Bootland
Emma Bradford
Lahni Carpenter
Lena Cartwright
Kirsty Lee Jones
Keeley Mullins
Mia Peden
Abbey Wallis
Coach: Gail Mayers
Manager: Nat Mackay
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/15's Representative Team.
Samantha Allen
Abbey Carr
Chelsea Edwards
Erin Grey
Meg Holmes
Jamie Lord
Gabrielle Maddison
Imogen Stock
Eloise Warby
Coach: Helen Grogan
Manager: MIchelle Linich
9th February 2015.
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/12's Representative Team.
Scout Brown
Jess Dunn
Raegan Dunn
Abbey Fenton
Aarkey Kneen
Tara O'Connor
Zoe Peden
Mackenzie Stuart
Kloe Young
Coach: Sara Gilbert
Assistant Coach: Jess Christensen
Manager: Jodie Mortimer
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/13's Representative Team.
Kayla Barrett
Molly Besgrove
Jamie Boyle
Charlie Carroll
Hannah Elsley
Kira Finnie
Rosie Hoad
Hannah Winchester
Holly Youman
Coach: Kristen Cohen
Manager: Megan Callaghan
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/17's Representative Team.
Sharla Barnard
India Bignall
Bree Condron
Eliza Fairbairn
Teagan Gee
Chelsea Gray
Charlotte Lambert
Phoebe Payne
Sian Pickard
Kristin Tangye
Coach: Deb Cowburn
Manager: Rochelle Wallis
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the U/21's Representative Team.
Eva Bailey
Emma Coyne
Sabina Gomboso
Tiu Holland
Bronte Magin
Aneeka Marcozzi
Karli Robards
Jade Smallhorne
Maddie Taylor
Coach: Traci Baber
Manager: Julie Miner
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the Opens Representative Team.
Abbey Bates
Jessika Christensen
Tiarne Condron
Tegan Denniss
Sara Gilbert
Khianni Hepburn
Carly Hooton
Jessica Jennings
Sophie Lanfranchi
Kelly Wilson
Coach: Glenda Geyer
Manager: Leonie Barrett

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Looking for a team OR looking for a player?
Any new players looking for a team or teams looking for players, please email or phone the Association Secretary on or 02 4943 2805.

2015 Registrations:
13th January 2015.
Registration time is almost upon us, below is a list of the times for your club or Independent team registration.

For all enquiries please phone Marie Caddies (02 4943 2805 - 0447 432 805) or email

2015 Calendar - Update:
17th December 2014.
We have had to change the dates and times for some of the Representative Selections due to other sporting representative days where our players are involved.
2015 - Representative Selections:
8 February 2015
12 years Selections - 9:00am (CNA Courts)
13 years Selections - 11:00am (CNA Courts)
17/21/Opens Selections - 6:30pm (CNA Courts)
Tuesday 17 February 2015
14 years Selections - 6:00pm (CNA Courts)
15 years Selections - 6:00pm (CNA Courts)

2015 Calendar:
7th December 2014.
The 2015 Calendar is now available, also the Canteen Roster, please see links on left.

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Last updated 24th June 2017.