
Charlestown Netball Association Inc.
Netball Courts - Dudley Road, near Central Charlestown Leagues Club.
PO Box 471 Charlestown 2290
Phone/fax 4943 2805.










News Archive 2013

Registrations for Clubs
Registrations for Clubs will take place on Saturday 1st and 8th February 2014, from 9:30am – 3:30pm at Charlestown Netball Clubhouse.

Club contacts:
Central Leagues Netball Club – Lesley Worthington (0416 128 079)
Dudley/Redhead Netball Club – Nicole Holmes (0427 667 642)
Kahibah Netball Club – Kathleen Gifford (0439 300 684)
United Netball Club – Rochelle Wallis (0434 725 205)

Independent Teams Registrations – Saturday 1 March 2014, 1:30pm – 3:30pm
For all enquiries please phone Marie Caddies (02 4943 2805)

If you a new team interested in playing at Charlestown or a player looking for a team please contact the Secretary, Marie Caddies on 02 4943 2805.

Twilight Competition October ☪   ☆   ☽ 
Charlestown Netball is running a Twilight Competition, commencing on Monday 14 October for eight weeks
and finishing on Monday 2 December 2013.
Twilight draw is now available, click here and select your division.
More information here.

Development Squad Selections
16th September 2013.
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in the 12 Years Development Squad to play in the Twilight Competition.
Zoe Aurisch    Lily Bailey    Kayla Barrett
Molly Besgrove    Jamie Boyle    Charli Carroll
Kira Finnie    Grace Folkard    Rosie Hoad
Mikaela Jones    Bethanie Mace    Olivia Tindall
Hannah Winchester    Jasmine Woolgar-Robe    Holly Youman
Coach: Kristen Cohen    Assistant Coach: Sophie Baber    Manager: Megan Callaghan

Congratulations to the following players who were successful in the 13 Years Development Squad to play in the Twilight Competition.
Erin Asquith    Demi Bootland    Emma Bradford
Lucy Budden    Lahni Carpenter    Matisse Coram-Parker
Ashleigh Glendenning    Phoebe Gray   
Catherine Keogh    Tahnee Mackay    Georgia McPeak
Keeley Mullins    Mia Peden    Olivia Robinson
Bronte Sharman    Jaimee Watson    Abbey Wallis
Coach: Traci Baber       Manager: Tracy Smallhorne

Congratulations to the following players who were successful in the 14 Years Development Squad to play in the Twilight Competition.
Hollie Adamson    Chloe Alcevski    Samantha Allen
Layne Carter    Chelsea Edwards    Erin Grey
Jamie Lord    Gabby Maddison    Kate Partridge
Imogen Stock    Isabella Temelkovski    Eloise Warby
Coach: Sara Gilbert    Manager: Jodie Mortimer

Congratulations to the following players who were successful in the 15 Years Development Squad to play in the Twilight Competition.
Sharla Barnard    Eliza Fairbairn    Sophie Gonano
Chelsea Gray    Georgia Hewat    Khiara Jones
Teharnie Mitchelhill    Tegan Nott    Ellie Pastourmoglou
Phoebe Payne    Kaitlin Rebett    Chelsea Seckold
Coach: Gail Mayers    Manager: TBA

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2013 Macquarie Cup
18th September. Congratulations to all our winners and runners-up in the Macquarie Cup, Schools Netball Competition.

Division          Winner          Runners-Up
Junior Red    St Mary’s – Warners Bay       Floraville
Junior Blue    Eleebana       Belmont
Junior White    St Paul’s – Gateshead       St Mary’s – Warners Bay

Senior Red    Charlestown East       St Paul’s – Gateshead
Senior Blue    Belmont       Belmont Christian College
Senior White    St Paul’s – Gateshead       Windale
Senior Black    Belmont North       Jewells

2013 Awards
☆Congratulations to Leonie Barrett (Ind) and Nicole Holmes (Dudley) who were awarded the Charlestown Netball's Sportsmanship Award for 2013.
☆Congratulations to Kelly Aurisch (United) who was awarded the Charlestown Netball's Coaches Encouragement Award for 2013.
☆Congratulations to Kate Sullivan (Ind) who was awarded the Irene Murray Medal for player of the Grand Final for 2013.

2014 Representative selections
Selection for the Charlestown Netball Development Teams to help prepare for the 2014 Representative selections will be held on Sunday 15 September 2013.
12's and 13's will commence at 9:30am and 14's and 15's will commence at 1:00pm.

All players who turn 12, 13, 14 or 15 in 2014 are welcome to come and try out for a Development Team. Teams selected will play in our Twilight Competition commencing Monday 14 October for eight weeks.
At the end of the Twilight Competition, teams will disband and Selections for Representative Teams for 2014 will take place over two weekends in February -
9 February 12/13's, 9:00am and 14/15's 1:00pm, Seniors 3:00pm.
From this day the Possibles and Probables will be selected and invited to come back the following weekend 16 February for final selection, same times as the week before.

Twilight Competition October ☪   ☆   ☽ 
Charlestown Netball is running a Twilight Competition, commencing on Monday 14 October for eight weeks
and finishing on Monday 2 December 2013. Please click here for all information.

2014 Representative Personnel
Nominations are invited for 2014 Representative Personnel (Coaches, Co-Coaches, Team Managers and Representative Co-Ordinator)
- Closing date for nominations is Friday 30 August 2013. (Click here for form)

Form and resume to be sent to the Secretary Marie Caddies, P.O. Box 471, Charlestown 2290.
For all enquiries please phone Marie Caddies on 02 4943 2805 or President Dianne Pascoe on 0408 689 150.

MUFTI DAY - 27 July 2013 - Round 13
Come along and join in the fun and wear the colours of the Association (Red and Royal Blue)
and support our cause to help HPCA (Hunter Prostrate Cancer Alliance).

All of us have either fathers, husbands, partners, brothers, cousins or friends, lets us all help find a cure for Prostrate Cancer.
Any clothing is acceptable, but please remember NO jewellery and wear the correct footwear.

Lake Macquarie Games - All Age Carnival:

Lake Macquarie Games - All Age Carnival to be held on Sunday 28 July 2013
at the Essie Toneguzzi Courts, Riawena Park, Bula Street, Charlestown
commencing at 8.30 am.

The draw* for Sunday can be found by clicking here (under 2013 Annual Carnival).

Games to commence at 8:30am and will consist of 2 x 12 minute halves, 2 minutes at half time
and 4 minutes between games.
*Small changes to the draw may be made up until Saturday afternoon, so please, check the draw before you arrive.

Click for Information and for the Entry Form.

Contact Lil Harrison (0427 727 245) to nominate for this carnival.

Netball NSW State Age Championships:
1st July 2013.
Charlestown U/12s Division 2 Runners Up
Congratulations to all the wonderful players, coaches, managers, umpires, sports trainers and officials for their wonderful performances over the weekend at the Netball NSW State Age Championships.

Our U/12 players - runners up in Division 2 - well done ladies!!
Our U/13's, U/14's and U/15's all played incredibly well and we are very proud of each and very one of you.

Well done Team Charlestown !!

Netball NSW State Championships:
11th June 2013.
Charlestown U/19s Division 1 State League Charlestown Netball would like to congratulate all our wonderful players, coaches, managers, umpires, sports trainers, officials and parents for their wonderful effort at the Netball NSW State Championships held at the weekend.

Opens Team (Division 2) came equal second.
U/19's Team (Championships Division) came runners up.
U/17's Team (Division 2) came fourth.

Well done and thanks to everyone involved.

See Photo Gallery for more photos.

3rd June 2013.
Charlestown Netball Associations would like to wish their U/17's, U/19's and Opens Teams all the very best
for the upcoming Netball NSW State Championships
being held at Baulkham Hills over the June long weekend.
Good luck to all our umpires, coaches, managers, players, parents and officials.

28th April 2013.
Congratulations to all the players who were successful in gaining a place in the 11 Years Development Squad.

Zoe Aurisch    Kayla Barrett    Molly Besgrave
Jamie Boyle    Charli Carroll    Ruby Crane
Kira Finnie    Rosie Hoad    Mikaela Jones
Grace Folkard    Jessica Middleby    Kira Ridgewell
Olivia Tindall    Kyla West    Hannah Winchester    Holly Youman

Please be at the netball courts at 5:30pm Tuesday 30 April 2013 with one parent. Thanks.

Sunday 24th March 2013.
State League Finals:
Congratulations to all of our teams who played in the Finals of State League today - the U/14's and Opens were unfortunately beaten on their Semi, but played extremely well in very hot conditions.
Congratulations to the U/19's winners in Division 1, U/17's winners in Division 3 and U/15's winners in Division 4.
Well done everyone and this includes coaches, managers, parents and our wonderful umpire Sharon Atkins!!

Friday 15th March 2013.
Grading for the Seniors is now complete - see table.
Comments re the grading by Friday 22 March 2013, to go to the Grading Convenor - Yvonne Webster on 0438 599877 or email mwe28053 @ bigpond.net.au

The paper grading has been completed for Juniors (click here)- there will be no grading day on 23rd March, so please enjoy your next two weekends before the season commences.

Season Start:
First day of play - 6 April 2013.

Annual General Meeting:
The Annual General Meeting of Charlestown Netball Association will take place on Monday 8 April, 2013 commencing at 7:00pm with the General Meeting to follow the AGM.

Car Boot Sale:
Car Boot Sale - now on the 20 April 2013.

11 Years Development Squads:
Charlestown Netball is calling for coaches and managers for the 11 Years Development Squads.
Applications close on Saturday 6 April 2013.
Please send an Expression of Interest to the Secretary, Marie Caddies, P.O. Box 471, Charlestown NSW 2290 or email mcaddies@bigpond.net.au .
For all enquiries re the 11 Years Development Squad, please phone Glenda Geyer on 0407 458 321.

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Representative Selections:
Sunday 10th February 2013.
☆ Congratulations to all the players who stood for selection for Charlestown Netball Associations Representative Teams.

Players selected are required to bring one parent to the Compulsory Parent Information Night on Tuesday 12 February 2013 commencing at 7:00pm.
Players are also required to visit the Netball Shop, cnr Parry and Ravenshaw Street, Newcastle by Thursday 14 February 2013 to order your playing uniform (Dress) with a $50 deposit.
The players bonding camp is at Myuna Bay 15-17 February, you are required to attend and will be given more information at the Parent Information Night.

12 Years:
Demi Bootland    Emma Bradford    Lahni Carpenter
Matisse Coram-Parker    Phoebe Gray    Keeley Mullins
Mia Peden    Abbey Wallis    Jaimee Watson
♀ Coach: Traci Baber    Manager: Tracy Smallhorne

13 Years:
Abbey Carr    Layne Carter    Erin Gray
Meg Holmes    Gabby Maddison    Kate Partridge
Imogen Stock    Isabella Temelkovski    Eloise Warby
♀ Coach: Sara Gilbert    Manager: Jodie Mortimer

14 Years:
Sharla Barnard    Eliza Faibairn    Chelsea Gray
Tegan Gee    Georgia Hewat    Kiara Jones
Tegan Nott    Ellie Pastourmoglou    Phoebe Payne
♀ Coach: Gail Mayers    Manager: Joy Gee

15 Years:
Minerva Bailey    Breanah Condron    Brooke Fennings
Emma Gifford    Megan Hinds    Tiu Holland
Sion Pickard    Sarah Timbs    Emily Turner
♀ Coach: Debbie Cowburn    Manager: Robyn Price

17 Years:
Kallie Atkins    Sam Atkins    Emma Coyne
Emily Glover    Sophie Lanfranchi     Megan Lethbridge
Shenae Montgomery    Jacqui Wrightson
♀ Coach: Paula Quigley    Manager: Tracy Carpenter

19 Years:
Eva Bailey    Sophie Buckley    Sabina Gomboso
Abbie Johnson    Tiarny Neesom    Karlie Robards
Jade Smallhorne    Paige Stevenson    Maddie Taylor
♀ Coach: Traci Baber    Manager: Julie Miner

Belinda Avis    Abbey Bates    Justine Carpenter
Jessika Christensen    Tegan Denniss    Sarah Leonivk
Jess Logan    Kerri McCaw    Vivien Palmer
Rachel Ratcliffe    Sally Saunders
♀ Coach: Justine Carpenter

Car Boot Sale: POSTPONED to 23rd
Car Boot Sale:
Come and support Charlestown Netball and Charlestown Lions Club by selling or buying at our Car Boot Sale on Saturday 2nd February at the Netball Courts.

Sale starts at 9:00am - new and used goods, crafts, tools, toys, clothes, books.
Eat from the Lions BBQ or the Netball canteen.

Look forward to seeing you all the Car Boot Sale.

Registrations for Clubs are on 2nd and 9th February 2013 from 10:00am - 3:30pm

Club Contacts:
• Dudley/Redhead - Nicole Holmes (0427 667 642)
• Central Leagues - Kay Dunford (4942 2669)
• Kahibah - Annette Hicks (4943 0891) email philannettehicks@gmail.com
• United - President - Rochelle Wallis (0434 725 205) wallisrr@optusnet.com.au
If you are an individual looking for placement in a team or wishing to form a new team please contact our secretary Marie Caddies on 4943 2805.
Registration for Independent teams is on Saturday 2nd March 2013, 1:30pm - 3:30pm.

Representative Selections:
Sunday 10th February 2013.
All selections will be held at Charlestown Netball Courts:
• 12 Years – 9:00am
• 13 Years – 11:00am
• 14 Years – 1:00pm
• 15 Years – 3:00pm
• 17’s, 19’s, Opens and Masters – 6:00pm

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charlestown netball association
Last updated 26th September 2014.