News Archive 2012
Anne Clark Service Award:
5th November 2012.
☆ Congratulations to our very own Secretary, Marie Caddies who was awarded the Anne Clark Service Award, for her services to netball at the Netball NSW Annual Dinner in Sydney on Saturday night.
Marie has been involved in netball at our Association for the past 44 years, firstly being involved with coaching and umpiring at Kahibah Netball Club where she was awarded Life Membership and then with the Association, where she has also been awarded Life Membership, holding several positions on executive where she is still holds the position of Secretary. Congratulations Marie, and award well deserved.
Representative Coaches:
☆ Congratulation to the following coaches and managers who were successful in gaining positions with our Representative teams.
U/12's - Traci Baber (coach) - Tracey Smallhorne (manager)
U/13's - Sara Gilbert (coach) - Jodie Mortimer (manager)
U/14's - Gail Mayers (coach) - Joy Gee (manager)
U/15's - Debbie Cowburn (coach) - Robyn Price (manager)
U/17's - Paula Quigley (coach) - Tracey Carpenter (manager)
U/19's - Traci Baber (coach) - Julie Miner (manager)
Open's - TBA
2013 Association Calendar:
14th October 2012. See Calendar page for next year's dates.
Twilight Competition:
2nd October 2012. The draw for Twilight can be found by clicking on competition Results (left hand side) and follow the prompts.
Macquarie Cup Schools Competition:
25th September 2012. Congratulations to all our winners and runners up in the recent Grand Finals:
Junior Red:
Winners: St Mary's Warners Bay
Runners Up: Charlestown East
Junior Blue:
Winners: Belmont Christian College
Runners Up: St Mary's Warners Bay
Junior White:
Winners: St Joseph's Charlestown
Runners Up: Belmont
Senior Red:
Winners: Eleebana
Runners Up: Floraville
Senior Blue:
Winners: Jewells
Runners Up: Belmont Christian College
Senior White:
Winners: St Francis Xavier's Belmont
Runners Up: Gateshead West
Senior Black:
Winners: St Mary's Warners Bay
Runners Up: Belmont
Sports Awards:
☆Congratulations to Dave Taylor (Central) who was awarded the Charlestown Netball's Sportsmanship Award for 2012.
☆Congratulations to Lee Letherbridge (United) who was awarded the Charlestown Netball's Coaches Encouragement Award for 2012.
Well done, both awards truly well deserved.
U/12 Development Squad:
☆Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the 12 Years Development Squad.
Please meet 5:30pm, 8th October 2012, (one parent to be present) in blue shorts and blue CNA training shirt, ready for the Twilight Competition.
Esther Bartley
Demi Bootland
Emma Bradford
Lucinda Budden
Lahni Carpenter
Matisse Coram-Parker
Phoebe Grey
Georgia Murray
Keeley Mullins
Mia Peden
Olivia Robinson
Bronte Sharman
Abbey Wallis
Laura Wilkins.
Twilight Competition:
Twilight Competition - registrations are on 22 September 2012 1-30 to 3pm, costs $25 per player, commences Monday 8 October 2012 and concludes Monday 26 November 2012. Modified's, Juniors, and Intermediates play at 6:30pm and Cadets and Seniors play at 7:45pm. Games consist of 4 x 15 min quarters.
U/12 Development Squad:
Selections of the U/12 Development Squad (players born in 2001), will take place on Sunday 16 September 2012 commencing at 10:00am. Please arrive by 9:45am.
25th August 2012. Congratulations to all our winners and runners up in the recent Grand Finals:
Division Winners Runners Up
10 Years Cha Chas Central H20 Dudley/Redhead
Junior Blue Kangas Kahibah Divas United
Junior Red All Stars United Blue Crystals Central
Intermediate Red Candies Central Sapphires - Central
Intermediate Blue Mermaids Dudley/Redhead Jazz United
Cadets Kubbies Kahibah Krushers Kahibah
Coffee Club Opens Just Us Independent Ocean View Independent
Senior A Zanzibar United Wanderers Independent
Senior A1 Escarda Kahibah Ladiezz Independent
Senior B Eclipse United The Gathered United
Senior C Spritza United Crossfire Central
Senior D Rent-O-Kill Kahibah Cougars - Central
☆Congratulations to Simone McGuigan (Just Us) who won the Irene Murray Medal for Player of the Grand Final.
☆Umpires of the Year - Amanda Flick and Kellee Agland
☆Umpires Encouragement Awards - Jessica Cameron, Rebekah Norman and Nicole Bailey.
2013 Representative Coaches:
Nominations for coaches for the 2013 Representative Season close on Friday 7 September 2012. Form click here and resume to be sent to the Secretary Marie Caddies, P.O. Box 471, Charlestown 2290.
Twilight Competition:
Twilight Competition - registrations are on 22 September 2012, costs $25 per player, commences Monday 8 October 2012 and concludes Monday 26 November 2012. Modified's, Juniors, and Intermediates play at 6:30pm and Cadets and Seniors play at 7:45pm. Games consist of 4 x 15 min quarters.
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Lake Macquarie Games - Netball Carnival:
The Charlestown Netball Association's - Lake Macquarie Games - Netball Carnival will be held on Sunday 29 July 2012 commencing at 8:30am. This is an All Age Carnival and teams of all ages are invited to attend. Information and entry form can be found by clicking on:
- Carnival Information
- Entry Form.
We look forward to you attending.
7th July 2012
State Age Netball Championships:
☆Congratulations to all our U/12's, U/13's, U/14's and U/15's players, coaches, managers, umpires and officials who attended the State Age Netball Championships last weekend. What an awesome display of netball and sportsmanship by everyone. We are so proud of you all !!
A big thank you to all our wonderful helpers who came and gave up their time over the weekend to help our Association run a very successful State Age Championship. We are very proud of our Clubs and their members. Thanks Central, Dudley/Redhead and United for your wonderful support.
Babble Netball Clinic:
Babble Netball Clinic - Thursday 12 July 2012, for all information please visit www.babblenetballclinics.com.au
Louise Webster and Maddie Taylor:
☆Congratulations to Louise Webster and Maddie Taylor on attaining their National 'C' Badge. Well done ladies!!
12th June 2012
State Championships:
Congratulations to our U/17 team who came 6th in the NSW Netball State Championships at the weekend.
Our thanks goes to the players, Coach Traci Baber, Manager Julie Miner, Umpires Sharon Atkins and Kelly Agland, Sports Trainer Ross Osland, Official Helen Randall and our ever helpful parents.
See photos on Photo Gallery page.
Well done everyone!
Rachael Bates:
Congratulations to Rachael Bates who gained her National 'C' badge last weekend. Well done Rachael!!

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15th May 2012
Sarah Cameron:
☆Congratulations to Sarah Cameron who gained her National 'C' badge at the weekend. Well done Sarah!
Level 1 Umpiring Course:
Charlestown Netball is running a Level 1 Umpiring Course on Sunday 20 May 2012, 8:30am - 12:30pm. Cost $35. Please contact the Secretary Marie Caddies if you wish to attend. 4943 2805.
4th May 2012
Lesley Worthington:
Congratulations to Lesley Worthington who was awarded Life Membership of Charlestown Netball Association at the recent AGM, a truly deserved award to Lesley, who has spent the last fifteen years working tirelessly for the Association. Well done Lesley.
Jon Fletcher clinics:
Jon Fletcher clinics, Wednesday 9 May, 2012 - all clubs coaches invited to attend. This is the first of three clinics Jon will be holding - clinics will be covering attacking end, defence end and mid court. Clinics are free, so please come and learn the many valuable things Jon can pass on to you.
Jon is a truly qualified presenter, National and State Coach with years of experience, he is involved with the Hunter Academy of Sport, Hunter Sports High School, Netball NSW and the list goes on.
23rd April 2012
11 years Development Squad:
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in the 11 Years Development Squad.
Training commences this Saturday (28 April 2012) at 9:00am sharp.
11 Years Red Squad
Demi Bootland
Lahni Carpenter
Georgia Hall
Tahnae Mackay
Keeley Mullins
Olivia Robinson
Michaela Stuart
Abbey Wallis
Charlee Wilson
Coach: Lauren Smith
11 Years Blue Squad
Esther Bartley
Willow Bignall
Emma Bradfordr
Lucinda Budden
Matisse Coram-Parker
Georgia Murray
Mia Peden
Caitlin Rusev
Bronte Sharman
Coach: Paula Quigley
Annual General Meeting:
Charlestown Netball Associations AGM is on Monday 23 April 2012 commencing at 7:00pm, the general meeting will follow at the conclusion of the AGM. Clubs are reminded that their delegates must be financial members of Charlestown Netball Association.
Junior Umpire Development Program:
Junior Umpire Development Program will commence Saturday 28 April, 9:00am at the clubhouse. All participants are required to bring:- whistle (can be purchased at the courts for $12), Umpire Rule Book (can be purchased at the courts for $12), notebook, pen/pencil, drink bottle and please wear joggers.
Compulsory Umpires Lectures: - Intermediate Teams, Saturday 28 April, 9:00am at the Clubhouse, Cadet Teams, Saturday 5 May, 9:00am at the Clubhouse and Senior Teams, Wednesday 9 May 2012 commencing at 6:30pm.
2nd April 2012
Congratulations to the following girls from Charlestown, who made the Hunter Regional PSSA Netball Team.
Emma Bradford
Bernice DeJaeger
Erin Grey
Meg Holmes
Kate Partridge
Well done ladies!
19th March 2012
State League Finals - Newcastle:
Congratulations to our three teams in State League Region 2 who have all made the finals - good luck on 1 April 2012 when the finals
will be played.
17th March 2012
Foundation Coaching Course will be held on 1 April 2012 at Charlestown commencing at 10:00am. I know that there are lots of new
coaches that would benefit from this course so please encourage them to attend, unless we get 10 participants we will have to
cancel. Please phone our Coaching Convenor - Glenda Geyer on 4945 8321 to secure places for your coaches.
Red Badge commences on Week 3, please get all your 12 year olds to register for the six week course. Interested players should go to
the umpires room on first day of play and place their information in the book.
Competition Draw and Umpires Draw:
Competition Draw for 2012 and Umpires Draw are now on this website, just click on Competition Results. Umpires Draw can be found by
looking at the division that teams will be umpiring e.g.
. Junior Red will Umpire Junior Blue and Junior Blue will Umpire Junior Red.
. Intermediate Blue will Umpire Intermediate White and Intermediate White will umpire Intermediate Blue
. Intermediate Red will Umpire Cadets and Cadets will Umpire Intermediate Red
. Coffee Club Opens will Umpire Senior A1 and Senior A1 will Umpire Coffee Club Opens
. Senior A will Umpire Senior B and Senior B will Umpire Senior A
. Senior C will Umpire Senior D and Senior D will Umpire Senior C
. 10 years will be TBA's with the clubs and 2011 Red Badge girls helping
. Please note that teams will not umpire each week and no team will have to umpire more that 50% of the games of the season.
We ask your assistance with the umpiring as this is a change, we are also asking that you do not provide umpires for the teams,
that the teams become responsible and use players from their teams to do the umpiring, and if this happens, then we can use the
Badged umpires for TBA's and coaching etc.
Compulsory Umpire Lectures:
☆ Intermediate Teams - Saturday 28 April commencing at 9:00am for about
one and a half hours. Compulsory for two players to attend (more can come if they wish) - bonus 1 point per player attending (maximum
2 points)
☆ Cadets and any Intermediates who could not attend previous session -
Saturday 5 May commencing at 9:00am for about one and a half hours. Compulsory for two players to attend (more can come if they wish)
- bonus 1 point per player attending (maximum 2 points)
☆ Seniors - Wednesday 9 May commencing at 6:30pm for about one and a
half hours. Compulsory for two players to attend (more can come if they wish) - bonus 1 point per player attending (maximum 2

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12th March 2012
Congratulations to Lauren McIlveen who gained her national 'C' badge on Sunday at State League. Well done Lauren!!

Clean Up Day:
A big thanks you to everyone who came and worked so hard for the Association at the Clean Up Day on Saturday 3rd March.
From Dudley Club, Jenny Giudice, Sue Stojcevski, Lehtia Wigney, Nicole Holmes, Gavin Holmes.
From Central Club, Jo Taylor and Dave Taylor.
From United United Club, Jodie Mortimer, Yvonne Webster, Di Yorke, Elizabeth Mansfield, Jodie Dipietro, Ben Randall, Roger Gray, Sandra Gray.
From the Executive Marie Caddies, Margaret West, Helen Randall, Lil Harrison and Annette Hicks.
I can't forget the lolly packers Siana Stojcevski, Meg Holmes, Molly Holmes, Abbey Wallis and Kalista Stojcevski.
We are now ready to start the new season. Thank you.

Representatative Selections:
Congratulations to all the players who were recently selected in the 15's and 17's Representative Team
15 Years Representative Team:
Kallie Atkins
Emma Coyne
Chloe DiPietro
Emily Glover
Imogen Jaegar
Sophie Lanfranchi
Chey-enne Mason
Shanae Montgomery
Tegan Purcell
Chloe Rich
Coach: Gail Mayers
Manager: Phil Hicks
17 Years Representative Team:
Eva Bailey
Sophie Buckley
Sabina Gomboso
Abbie Johnson
Tiffani Jones
Tiarny Neeson
Jade Smallhorne
Maddie Taylor
Taylor Walsh
Coach: Traci Baber
Manager: Julie Miner
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13th February 2012.
Selection for the remainder of the U/15's Representative team will take place on Sunday 26 February 2012 at 5:00pm.
Selection for the U/17's, U/19's and Open Teams will take place on Sunday 26 February 2012 at 6:00pm.
Congratulations to the following players who were successful in gaining a place in the Charlestown Netball Association's Representative Junior Teams:
12 Years Representative Team:
Abby Carr
Bernice de Jager
Marlee Grainger
Erin Gray
Meg Holmes
Gabby Maddison
Imogen Stock
Siana Stojcevski
Eloise Warby
Coach: Rochelle Wallis
Manager: Glenda Geyer
13 Years Representative Team:
Sharla Barnard
Jessica Evans
Eliza Fairbairn
Teagan Gee
Chelsea Gray
Khiara Jones
Tegan Nott
Ellie Pastourmoglou
Chelsea Seckold
Coach: Sara Gilbert
Manager: Jodie Mortimer
14 Years Representative Team:
Minerva Bailey
India Bignall
Lauren Jones
Zoe Harrison
Tiu Holland
Sarah-Jane Lang
Eliza Matthews
Tamara Mullard
Sarah Timbs
Coach: Deb Cowburn
Manager: Robyn Price
15 Years Representative Team:
There will be a reselection for the 15 Years team on February 26 2012 at 5:00pm.
The following players are confirmed in the team, but all players who attended the recent selection are invited to retrial on the 26th.
Kallie Atkins
Emma Coyne
Chloe DiPietro
Sophie Lanfranchi
Coach: Gail Mayers
Manager: Phil Hicks
24th January 2012. We are now on Facebook!
Like us to get updates about what is going on. Click on icon or Search for Charlestown Netball Association Inc.
Registrations for Clubs are on 4th and 11th February 2012 from 10:00am - 3:30pm
Club Contacts:
Dudley/Redhead - Nicole Holmes (0427 667 642)
Central Leagues - Kay Dunford (4942 2669)
Kahibah - Kerri Bird (4942 1450)
United - Jodie DiPietro (0412 653 337)
♨ If you are an individual looking for placement in a team or wishing to form a new team please contact our secretary Marie Caddies on 4943 2805.
☆ Registration for Independent teams is on Saturday 3 March 2012, 1:30pm - 3:30pm.
Representative Selections:
All selections will be held at Charlestown Netball Courts:
Sunday 12 February 2012
12 Years 10:00am
13 Years 12:00pm
14 Years 2:00pm
15 Years 2:00pm
Sunday 26 February 2012
17s, 19s and Opens 6:00pm
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Last updated 17th July 2013.