Mission Statement  

Charlestown Netball Association promotes equal access and opportunity to all our participants. We foster individual and group excellence in a supportive and friendly environment. With an approachable executive and inclusive policies, we aim to share our love of netball throughout our local communities.   

What's HAPPENING AT Charlestown NETBALL?


1st February - selections for the 11s Development Squad. This is open to players who are turning 11 in 2025 (i.e. born 2014).

8th February - selections for representative teams for the girls/women - 12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, 17s and Open Womens.

9th February - selections for the representative Open Mens team, open to male players aged 18 or older in 2025 (i.e. born 2007 or earlier).

For further details and links to the relevant online player nomination forms, visit the Representative page.


This carnival is open for representative teams from associations, including U11 development teams. The carnival is open to the following age groups:

  • Girls 11s, 12s, 13s, 14s, 15s, 17s, Women's Open
  • Boys 14s, 17s and Men's Open

Entry fee is $40 per team. Entry fee monies will go towards supporting the Hunter Regional Team for the Regional State Cup in October.

Associations are welcome to enter teams via PlayHQ. Team entries will close by 20th February or earlier if capacity is reached.

For further information or enquiries, please email the Secretary

Mens-Mixed Netball is happening in 2025!

Thank you to those who have confirmed interest and are already gathering their team for 2025. We love your enthusiasm!! We now have enough interest to go ahead with this inaugural competition and we can't wait! The games will be played on Saturday afternoons, starting in late March and going through until the end of August. (See our calendar page for game days.)

If interested, please fill out the online expression-of-interest form. If you mostly have a team but just need one or two more players, please let us know. If you are looking to join a team, we might be able to match you up.

For further information or enquiries, please email the Secretary


  • Monday evenings for 6 weeks
  • 17th Feb, 24th Fe, 3rd Mar, 10th Mar, 17th Mar & 24th March


  • 5:30pm - SubJuniors (U9s and younger) 
  • 6:30pm - Juniors and Intermediates (U10s-U15s)
  • 7:45pm - Cadets and Opens


  • Teams must register first through the PlayHQ registration link.
  • There is no fee for teams to register.
  • Team registrations will close by 9th February, unless we hit capacity before then.
  • Teams need to have a minimum of 7 players registered by 10th February to be included in draw.
  • Once the team is registered, the team organiser will receive an email from PlayHQ which will have a unique person-to-team registration link
    • Share this registration link to allow players, coaches, team managers, and umpires to register into the team.
      • Player fee $30
      • Coach fee $0 (free!)
      • Team Manager fee (free!)
      • Umpire fee $0 (free!)


  • Twilight Competition fee is $30 per player
  • Use the unique person-to-team registration link provided by your team organiser to register into your team.
  • IF YOU DO NOT INTEND TO PLAY IN A WINTER-SATURDAY COMPETITION IN 2025 (i.e. you want to play in this twilight comp only, and will not playing in a longer netball competition later in the year), you can register into this twilight competition, but you will need to select a Netball NSW membership period
    • Select the 3-month NNSW membership fee. This will cover the time period for the twilight competition. NOTE: This will not cover the duration of a winter competition which is typically 7-8 months. See below for what to do if you intend to play in a winter competition.
  • IMPORTANT - IF YOU INTEND TO PLAY IN A WINTER-SATURDAY COMPETITION IN 2025, we strongly recommend that you register first into your winter competition via your club registration link.
    • This will automatically charge the 12-month Netball NSW and Netball Australia membership. This membership will cover you in other competitions for the next 12 months (i.e. more cost-effective to pay NNSW membership once for the year, rather than multiple smaller time periods).
    • Once you are registered into your winter competition, come back and register into the twilight competition and you will only have to pay the $30 competition fee (because your NNSW membership will already be sorted for the year through your winter comp registration).
    • If in doubt about where/how to register into the winter competition for you, check with your club first!
  • Note 1: It is your responsibility to select the correct NNSW membership period for your intended participation throughout 2025.
    • You can check on your current NNSW membership through your PlayHQ profile (once logged into PlayHQ, select "Memberships" to see when your current membership expires)
    • If you intend to play in multiple competitions through 2025, it is recommended that you select a 12-month NNSW membership in your first competition registration. This will cover you for 12 months and is the most cost-effective for a year.
    • We will not arrange refunds or vouchers if you register into the twilight competition first and select a 3-month NNSW membership, and then register later into a winter competition and are subsequently required to select a 12-month NNSW membership. 
  • Note 2: See the Netball NSW policy for information about refunds on their membership fees. 


  • Use the unique person-to-team registration link to register with your team.
  • There is no fee for non-players to register (i.e. it's FREE for coaches, team managers, and umpires to register into the team).
  • It's not mandatory for non-players to register, but it does help with communication if you are registered.

Please contact cna.secretary1@gmail.com if you have any further questions.

Registrations for the 2025 Winter Competition are now OPEN!!

Please contact one of our clubs to sign-up. Each club will have their own registration portal, so you will need to contact the clubs to obtain their club-specific registration details.

Want to know more?  Please visit our Want-To-Play page for further information about how to register and how to contact our participating clubs.




You can keep up-to-date with all events and announcements through our social media channels
follow us on  and